More tracing questions

  1. Is it normal to leave tracing enabled in production code ?

  2. Is tracing-appender the crate to use if I want to put logs in /some-log-directory ?

  3. If I want to simultaneously log events to BOTH console and log directory, what do I need to overwrite / implement ?


As a followup: what is opentelemetry? Is it a piece of software, like Nginx, or a spec, like HTTP ?

Context here: I'm looking at tracing-opentelemetry and tracing-loki.

I think I get what grafana/loki does. tracing-opentelemetry is the more popular package -- however, I can't figure out what "" is -- i.e. if software, where do we download, if a spec, how does tracing-opentelemetry work ?


yes, it is up to the binary crate to decide wether or how to consume the traces and provide a subscriber to do the work.

at runtime, disabled spans and events are not free, but very cheap, typically one atomic load followed by a conditional branch, unless the subscriber is very dynamic, the branch prediction hardware would mostly make it neglegible. if you are still concerned, there are compile time knobs to turn off certain traces based on max level

yes, but you need to combine it with tracing_subscriber::FmtSubscriber. the appender implements io::Write, it it the FmtSubscriber which implements tracing::Subscriber and consumes the events, not the appender itself. see example code in the documentation

if you don't need special handling of the events (such as custom filter), you don't need to implement your own layer or subscriber, you can just configure the fmt layer with a combined writer, which write both to stderr and to a rotating log file appender, example code from the documentation:

use tracing_subscriber::fmt::writer::MakeWriterExt;

// Log all events to a rolling log file.
let logfile = tracing_appender::rolling::hourly("/logs", "myapp-logs");
// Log `INFO` and above to stdout.
let stdout = std::io::stdout.with_max_level(tracing::Level::INFO);

    // Combine the stdout and log file `MakeWriter`s into one
    // `MakeWriter` that writes to both

alternatively, you can configure two different instances of the fmt layer with different formatters, something like this:

use tracing_subscriber::*;
use tracing_subscriber::prelude::*;
    // first layer for console output, use pretty formatter and level filter
    // second layer for log file appender, use json formatter, no filter
    .with(fmt::layer().json().with_writer(tracing_appender::rolling::hourly("/some/directory", "prefix.log")))

it has a specification, but the official statement is "a framework and API", in it's term, services like zipkin or loki are called observability back-end vendors. you instrument your code to generate "signals", and you use "exporters" to send your signals to thoses observability backends. I don't like jargons like such, but it is what it is. see their documentation for details


I just integrated this technique verbatim into my system. Thanks for sharing!

Great response from @nerditation! Additionally, here's another example that shows dynamic configuration of logging based on a configuration file:

One of the benefits of this approach is that users have the ability to customize the logging behavior according to their specific needs.

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