More 'lowering' Rc <dyn Trait> problems

I acknowledge this is likely a corollary to some question I've already asked. I can't figure out how to make this compile:

use std::rc::Rc;

pub trait A {}
pub trait B: A {}

fn goal(x: Rc<dyn B>) -> Rc<dyn A> {

How do I make this compile? If something satisfies B, it clearly satisfies A, so why can't we do this conversion?

This seems to be a desirable feature and has indeed been discussed before, see:

For more material, search for "trait upcast" in a search machine.

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In the meantime, self: Rc<Self> has been stabilized, so we can apply the scheme:

trait A {}

trait IntoA {
    fn rc_into_a(self: Rc<Self>) -> Rc<dyn A>;

trait B: A+IntoA {}

impl<T: B+'static> IntoA for T {
    fn rc_into_a(self: Rc<Self>) -> Rc<dyn A> { self }

fn goal(x: Rc<dyn B>) -> Rc<dyn A> {
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Turns out I posted a "larger" problem and @RustyYato solved it at Converting Rc<Trait> types - #2 by RustyYato -- but I did not fully understand the solution last time.

@Finn : Thanks for posting your solution. It "refactors out" and makes it easier for me to understand part of @RustyYato 's full solution.

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There's actually a long running PR implementing this:

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