I've written a set of traits for a graph library, which should allow for monomorphization during compilation, so that multiple implementers can provide an efficient interface to their graphs.
It mainly features a set of types that are associated with the main graph type, which the compiler may use to monomorphize calls to trait methods.
In what ways might I improve the interface and lifetime "situation"?
Right now, essentially everything lives 'a
long. Might this cause trouble down the road?
pub type VertexId = usize;
pub trait Vertex<'a, G: DirectedWeightedGraph<'a>>
Self: 'a,
fn id(&'a self) -> VertexId;
fn adjacent(&'a self) -> G::AdjVertexIterT;
fn edges(&self) -> G::AdjWeightedEdgeIterT;
pub trait WeightedEdge<'a, G: DirectedWeightedGraph<'a>> {
fn source(&'a self) -> G::VertexT;
fn target(&'a self) -> G::VertexT;
fn weight(&self) -> &'a G::Weight;
pub trait Vertices<'a, G: DirectedWeightedGraph<'a>> {
fn iter(&'a self) -> G::VertexIterT;
fn by_id(&'a self, id: VertexId) -> Option<G::VertexT>;
pub trait DirectedWeightedGraph<'a>
Self: 'a + Sized,
type VertexT: Vertex<'a, Self> + 'a;
type VerticesT: Vertices<'a, Self> + 'a;
type VertexIterT: Iterator<Item = Self::VertexT> + 'a;
type AdjVertexIterT: Iterator<Item = Self::VertexT> + 'a;
type WeightedEdgeT: WeightedEdge<'a, Self>;
type WeightedEdgeIterT: Iterator<Item = Self::WeightedEdgeT>;
type AdjWeightedEdgeIterT: Iterator<Item = Self::WeightedEdgeT>;
type Weight;
fn vertices(&'a self) -> Self::VerticesT;
fn edges(&'a self) -> Self::WeightedEdgeIterT;
Thanks a lot in advance, for any ideas, suggestions and your time!