Modules 101 question

Explaining Rust’s Modules: Answering once and for all, “Where should we put these files?”

After reading this piece. I'm still trying to answer “Where should I put mod files?”

For the directory structure

|-- src
|-- target 
|-- .gitignore
|-- Cargo.lock
|-- Cargo.toml

? Where do I put file, so that all subsequent cargo-created files can access using the statement ' mod my_module ;' ?

Here's an example with four files:

// src/
pub mod my_module1;
pub mod my_module2;

fn main() {
// src/
use crate::my_module2::func2;

pub fn func1() {

pub fn func4() {
    println!("Hello world!");
// src/my_module2/
mod my_submodule;

pub fn func2() {
// src/my_module2/
use crate::my_module1;

pub fn func2() {

To be clear, each file should be mentioned by a mod statement exactly once, except for which should be mentioned exactly zero times. Any other accesses to the file should go through a use statement.

Many thanks,,,What you refer to as src/ is clearly under my_project/src/

? Do I place and under
my_project1 /src / and
my_project2 /src /
.. to ensure they are available to all future created cargo projects ?

To reduce directory clutter, is it possible to store all module files under a single directory " my_modules / src/ which contains,, ...etc

So you have some code that you want to re-use across multiple Cargo projects? The way to do this is to make a library:

cargo new --lib my_library

Instead of a src/, this will have a src/ as its “root” module. Any types/functions/submodules in this root module that are marked pub will be usable from within other Cargo projects. For example:

// my_library/src/
pub fn do_stuff() {

To use this code from one of your binary projects like my_project, you can put the following in my_project/Cargo.toml:

my_library = { path = "../my_library" }

(The path value can be either an absolute path or a relative path to the my_library directory.)

Now, everywhere within my_project, you can access public items from the my_library crate, just like you can from other libraries:

// my_project/src/
fn main() {

Looks like I should forget about my using modules and switch over to libraries instead.

Note that you can still use modules to organize code within each crate (whether it's a binary or library). But a library is the way to share code used by multiple crates.

For example, you could put all your common code into a single library, divided into different modules. And then all your binary projects could depend on that library.

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