"match_unchecked"? Zero cost enum field access, like a union


Is there a way to use unsafe to tell the compiler to treat an enum as a specific variant without the check & branch? Same idea as accessing the fields of a union, but for an enum?

I spent a bit of time reading around and couldn't find exactly what I'm looking for. Maybe I just don't know the right search terms. I found people using transmute to accomplish this but that seems like a heavy hammer with the potential for a lot of collateral UB.

Thanks for any thoughts.

You can use unreachable_unchecked. The check will be optimized away.

let MyEnum::MyVariant(x) = y else {

Option and Result also implements unwrap_unchecked using unreachable_unchecked.


Also, rust does have unions if you want them.

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Brilliant! I think that does exactly what I'm looking for.

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