Mandelbrot in rust, single and multi-threaded

Hello everyone,

so this is my second small project:

(the first one is here: First small web-based tool written in Rust: slurm_inspector. Feedback appreciated)

It uses scoped thread pool and simple_parallel for the multi-threaded calculations.

I'll plan to look into more crates: rayon and/or ArrayFire. If s.o. knows other crates that I could try out just let me know.

I hope this simple code example can help other Rust newcomers (like me).

Any feedback is appreciated :wink: Thanks!

I'll plan to look into more crates: rayon and/or ArrayFire. If s.o. knows other crates that I could try out just let me know.

You can also try glium =) I've done mandelbrot in openGL here, though it's not documented/commented at all.

Hi matklad,

thanks for the info! My program is currently writing out the calculated mandelbrot set as ppn image to visualize the result. As a comment inside the ppn image the run time for generating that image is stored.
But I have to admit that an opengl output would also be nice :wink: I'll add that on my todo list.