Macros defined in submodules?

Hi there,

I cannot seem to get macros defined in submodules to work.

Here is my app structure:


I tried all the possible combinations of #[macro_use], but never gets visibility on my macro.

use app::util::macros;


pub mod util;


pub mod traits;
pub mod macros;


macro_rules! hashmap {
    ($( $key: expr => $val: expr ),*) => {{
         let mut map = ::std::collections::HashMap::new();
         $( map.insert($key, $val); )*

What did I do wrong? (I read the doc, and also multiple SO threads, still no luck)

Thank you in advance

Best regards,

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In you never actually tell rustc that the app directory exists.

If you replace with the following you will be able to use the macro.

mod app;

Remember, #[macro_use] can only be used with mod or extern crate, not use.

For example, if you want to use macros from a seperate crate, you could write

extern crate regex;

Here is a more complete guide on macros: Macros

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Hi neon,

Sorry, I did not write all my code, but I actually did do mod app; before useing the submodules.

However, it was indeed the only place where I did not put #[macro_use] (must be the exhaustion, because I have been at it for almost 1h and it's very late here)

I changed that, and it works!! Well, except for an another unrelated error, but that I could fix without too much hassle.

Thank you for your help Neon! With all the Rustaceans kind help, I believe I may be able to understand the basics of Rust enough to successfully use Rust as the webserver for our application! And I'm all excited about this idea! :smile: (even though some people tend to discourage it, but whatever, I like Rust spirit)

Best regards,

Glad to be of assistance. I was just clicking around the forums trying to get help with my own issue and I spotted this and thought it should be solvable.

Well, good luck with your issues then (I'm afraid I won't be of much help), but thanks again for the help, I was already in bed and jumped out of it to test your solution, and I'm glad I did :slight_smile: Thanks!