I want abstract over the following alogorithm reducing the repetitve code
fn next<K: Ord, A, B, C>(t: (&mut Iterator<Item = (K, A)>,
&mut Iterator<Item = (K, B)>,
&mut Iterator<Item = (K, C)>))
-> Option<(K, A, B, C)> {
if let (Some(mut a), Some(mut b), Some(mut c)) = (t.0.next(), t.1.next(), t.2.next()) {
while a.0 != b.0 && b.0 != c.0 {
while a.0 < b.0 {
if let Some(next) = t.0.next() {
a = next;
} else {
return None;
while b.0 < c.0 {
if let Some(next) = t.1.next() {
b = next;
} else {
return None;
while c.0 < a.0 {
if let Some(next) = t.2.next() {
c = next;
} else {
return None;
return Some((a.0, a.1, b.1, c.1));
and produce some impls with a macro like so
macro_rules! impl_next {
($($V:ident),+) => {
fn next<K: Ord, $($V),*>(t: ($(&mut Iterator<Item=(K,$V)>,)*))
-> Option<(K, $($V),*)> {
// ???
impl_next!(A, B);
impl_next!(A, B, C);
// ...
Is it possible to express the algorithm within the macro-language concerning flexible identifier access, concat_idents and stuff like that?