Macro to convert from/to "identical" enums?

I'm using a macro which generates enums from a schema.graphql file. One limitation of this macro is that I can't use #derive on the generated enums/structs (e.g. #[derive(FromSqlRow)]). So, as recommended by the crate author, I resorted to writing my own identical enums with From implementations to convert back and forth, e.g.:

impl From<&TransactionType> for models::TransactionType {
    fn from(x: &TransactionType) -> models::TransactionType {
        match x {
            TransactionType::Deposit => models::TransactionType::Deposit,
            TransactionType::Withdraw => models::TransactionType::Withdraw,
            TransactionType::Payout => models::TransactionType::Payout,
            TransactionType::Rollback => models::TransactionType::Rollback,

impl From<&models::TransactionType> for TransactionType {
    fn from(x: &models::TransactionType) -> TransactionType {
        match x {
            models::TransactionType::Deposit => TransactionType::Deposit,
            models::TransactionType::Withdraw => TransactionType::Withdraw,
            models::TransactionType::Payout => TransactionType::Payout,
            models::TransactionType::Rollback => TransactionType::Rollback,

I was wondering if there existed a macro that could automate the above and if not, if it was feasible for a newbie to write one.


I adapted a macro I found on Stackoverflow:

macro_rules! convert_enum {
    ($src: ty, $dst: ty, $($variant: ident,)+) => {
        impl From<&$src> for $dst {
            fn from(src: &$src) -> Self {
                match src {
                    $(<$src>::$variant => Self::$variant,)*
        impl From<&$dst> for $src {
            fn from(src: &$dst) -> Self {
                match src {
                    $(<$dst>::$variant => Self::$variant,)*

convert_enum!(TransactionType, models::TransactionType, Deposit, Withdraw, Payout, Rollback,);

A lot better but still requires hard coding the enum variants in the macro call. I wonder if that part could be handled by the macro as well?

I don't think this helps with your particular situation, but mentioning for the sake of it in case it helps.

Related to this question, frunk is a crate exactly for this kind of "identical" struct or enum transformation. With frunk-enum it works for identical enums too.

Unfortunately, it requires #[derive(LabelledGenericEnum)] to record the fields / types of each involved enum and won't work in general without that. If you can't derive anything else, then this won't really help either.

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