Limit execution time of test?

Is there a way to set a maximum time for a test? Something like this


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That was the subject of this earlier thread.

@hoodie Did you ever get the time limiting working for you?

I didn't pursue this much further.
What I meant to do was start my test in a thread and kill it after a certain time.
In that thread we pointed out how to kill a thread, though I never actually tried it at home :smiley:
It would be cool if this was a feature of Rusts testing functionality though.

See Test timeouts · Issue #2798 · rust-lang/rfcs · GitHub

Based on the code from the linked issue, one can easily create a macro decorator, giving:

custom_test! {
    #[test(timeout = Duration::from_millis(50))]
    fn panic ()
custom_test! {
    #[test(timeout = Duration::from_millis(50))]
    fn fine ()
custom_test! {
    fn slow_no_timeout ()

and with macro_rules_attribute - Rust, we can even write it as:

extern crate macro_rules_attribute;

#[test(timeout = Duration::from_millis(50))]
fn infinite_loop ()
    loop {}



That's ace.

I came across this thread while looking for a solution for test timeouts. A colleague of mine later found this attribute in the ntest crate which seems apt.