First of all, sorry about my English. I've reach to a compilation problem when trying to add a value to a HashMap using a &str parameter as the key. This is a simplification of my real code to show the problem.
pub fn calculate_paths_to_earth(
planet: &str,
known_paths: &mut HashMap<&str, usize>,
roads: HashMap<&str, HashSet<&str>>,
) {
// Already known
if known_paths.contains_key(planet) {
let mut num_paths = 0;
let planets_to_go = roads
.expect("Desde un planeta no se puede ir a ningun planeta");
if planets_to_go.contains("New Earth") {
num_paths += 1;
known_paths.insert(planet, num_paths);
With that, the compilation error cargo returns it's:
:! cargo build
Compiling Ej2-Galactica v0.1.0 (/home/guille/Documentos/TuentiChallenge2019/Ej2-Galactica)
error[E0623]: lifetime mismatch
--> src/
10 | planet: &str,
| ---- these two types are declared with different lifetimes...
11 | known_paths: &mut HashMap<&str, usize>,
| ----
27 | known_paths.insert(planet, num_paths);
| ^^^^^^ ...but data from `planet` flows into `known_paths` here
error: aborting due to previous error
I've done some research about lifetimes but I still don't know how to solve this. Any idea of what I'm missing? Thank you all in advance!
You can't use &str as the key to a HashMap because there is no way for the map to know that the key will still exist when it goes to look it up later. You have two options: you could either let the map own the keys by making them of type String or you could limit your code to compile time strings and make them & static str. Actually in the latter case you could use runtime strings if you leak the strings by promising that you'll never free them. One way to achieve this would be via string interning via internment.
In your case you only need to declare that the temporary substrings are all borrowed from the same source, by giving them the same lifetime annotation:
Although valid solutions to the OP have been suggested, I think this is a good opportunity to talk about lifetime elision in functions, in order to allow people to solve similar issues:
Click here for an explanation in Spanish
Aquí tienes muchas lifetimes implícitas y por tanto elididas. Las lifetimes se pueden elidir explícitamente con '_ (funcionalidad de la edición 2018):
(esencialmente se esconde una lifetime detrás de cada símbolo &, y de vez en cuando en algunas estructuras. Este último caso es bastante traicionero, ya que es más difícil de ver: para ello recomiendo activar el lint #![deny(elided_lifetimes_in_paths)])
Como tu ejemplo no elide ninguna lifetime en el valor de retorno (), sólo se aplica la primera regla:
pub fn calculate_paths_to_earth<'_1, '_2, '_3, '_4, '_5> (
planet: &'_1 str,
known_paths: &'_2 mut HashMap<&'_3 str, usize>,
roads: HashMap<&'_4 str, HashSet<&'_5 str>>,
) -> ()
// detalle: el préstamo de `known_paths` (duración '_2)
// no puede durar más que el de la cosa prestada (`HashMap<&'_3 str, usize>`)
'_3 : '_2, // '_3 >= '_2
Aparte de la restricción entre el segundo y tercer parámetro de lifetime ('_3 : '_2, i.e., '_3 dura al menos tanto como '_2), todos los parámetros son distintos e independientes. Ello los hace incompatibles (no hay bivariancia en Rust que yo sepa). Ergoel tipo de planet, &'_1 str, es incompatible con el tipo de las claves, &'_3 str.
Lo que han sugerido los demás: explicitar la igualdad entre la lifetime de planet y la de las claves del HashMap (y ya que estamos, las demás lifetimes de str, ya que se van a usar todas en el mismo contexto. La que no hace falta explicitar es la del préstamo mut de la HashMap):
(long story short, there is a lifetime parameter behind each symbol &, and sometimes in some structures as well. Since the latter are more tricky to spot, I suggest you enable the following lint: #![deny(elided_lifetimes_in_paths)])
Since your example has no elided lifetimes in the return type (), only the first rule applies:
pub fn calculate_paths_to_earth<'_1, '_2, '_3, '_4, '_5> (
planet: &'_1 str,
known_paths: &'_2 mut HashMap<&'_3 str, usize>,
roads: HashMap<&'_4 str, HashSet<&'_5 str>>,
) -> ()
// detail: the lifetime of the borrow of `known_paths` ('_2)
// cannot outlast the borrowee's (`HashMap<&'_3 str, usize>`)
'_3 : '_2, // '_3 >= '_2
Besides the bound on the second and third lifetime parameters ('_3 : '_2, i.e., '_3 lives at least as long as '_2), all these parameters are distinct and independent of each other. This makes them incompatible with each other (AFAIK, there is no bivariance in Rust).
Therefore, the type of planet, &'_1 str, is not "compatible" with the type of the keys, &'_3 str.
What the others have suggested: that the equality between planet's lifetime and the keys' be made explicit (and now that we are at it, let's make it equal to the other &str lifetimes, since it seems likely that they will be used in the same context anyways. The one lifetime that does not need to be made explicit is the one in the mut borrow of the HashMap):