Leading zeros in format and sign

I need format number (-9_999 to 99_999) into fixed number of digits (5),
with leading zeros if needed, and this works fine:

    let x = 89;
    println!("{:0>5}", x);

but how to handle negative numbers?

"{:0>5}", -70 gives 00-70, while I need -0070,

any way to get 00089 for positive numbers and -0070 for negative one with format?

Or I have to add leading zeros manually ?

fn main() {
    println!("{:05}", 89);
    println!("{:05}", -89);

If you're looking for documentation, compare and contrast

let x = -89;
let formatted = if x < 0 {
    format!("-{:05}", -x)  
} else {
    format!("{:05}", x)    
println!("{}", formatted); // -00089

let x = -89;
let formatted = if x < 0 {
    format!("-{:04}", -x)  
} else {
    format!("{:05}", x)    
println!("{}", formatted); // -0089

let x: i32 = -89;

let formatted = if x < 0 {
    format!("-{:0>4}", -x)  
} else {
    format!("{:0>5}", x)    

println!("{}", formatted); // -0089

let x: i32 = -89;

let formatted = if x < 0 {
    format!("-{:0>5}", -x) 
} else {
    format!("{:0>5}", x)    

println!("{}", formatted); // -00089

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