Iterating over Results

Hi all,
I just wrote up this blog post on iterating over Results: Lliwynd: Iterating over results in rust . Is it possible to simplify the final version any more?


Will :-}

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.map() followed by .try_fold() seems redundant, since you can put the map closure body inside the try_fold closure (although I'm not loving what rustfmt did with the following):

let sum: i64 = buffered.lines().try_fold(0, |acc, r| {
    r.map_err(Box::<dyn std::error::Error>::from)
        .and_then(|s| s.parse::<i64>().map_err(|e| e.into()))
        .map(|y| acc + y)

I made other changes, but you don't need to agree with them: passing Box::<dyn Error>::from to map_err instead of annotating it with a type, and turning the second .and_then into a simple .map.

I'd probably write the for loop though. You want the Results to affect control flow in the current function; it only makes sense to write in an imperative style to take advantage of ?.

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Thanks for taking a look.

I prefer having the map before the fold. I prefer having the textual order match the order of operations we want. The second and_then being a simple map is an improvement though.

I was hoping there was a way to get rid of the second map_err. But I guess you're right, if you're going to be imperative about it then you're better off with the imperative syntax.

Yes, I agree with @trentj, I'd just like to strain the newer syntax mentioned dyn Trait as opposed to Trait which is the new syntax, so I can only presume that at some point it will be deprecated.

Here's another... slightly(?) ugly way to do it by specifying the closure return type on try_fold.

let sum: i64 = buffered
    .try_fold::<_, _, Result<_, Box<dyn Error>>>(0, |acc, r| Ok(r?.parse::<i64>()? + acc))?;

I still think I'd go with the for loop.

That certainly makes things nicer. You get to use the try/? operator much more.

Why can't that type constraint on try_fold be inferred?