Iterate identifiers of a macro

I need to change the FXME code to iterate each identifier.

macro_rules! sql_string_enum {
( $enumname: ident {
    $($enumvals: ident,)*
    } ) => {
        use std::result;
        use std::str::FromStr;
        pub enum $enumname {
        impl FromStr for $enumname {
            type Err = &'static str;

            fn from_str(s: &str) -> result::Result<Self, Self::Err> {
                match s {
                    //FIXME: This is where I need to iterate identifiers instead of hardcoding 
                    "ROLE" => Ok($enumname::ROLE),
                    "USER" => Ok($enumname::USER),
                    _ => Err("Not a valid resource value"),

fn main() {
    sql_string_enum!( Resource { ROLE, USER, });    

The syntax is basically:


You would use your own logic inside of the $( )* and whatever you're referring to instead of $x, in this case $enumvals

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@xoftware Thank you. Here is my final working version, in case someone comes here.