Is there a way to get mouse-click coords outside of Motion::MouseCursor?

In the code below I'd like to get the mouse-click coords prior to the Motion::MouseCursor(loc) => {.

Is there a way to do this in the piston world?

When I try to do it with e.mouse_cursor_args(), the "if" is never true; except when it is outside the match it returns mouse coords just fine.

Motion::MouseCursor(loc) seems to return only coordinates of mouse movement, not a single click coord without movement.

    pub fn on_input(&mut self, inp: &Input, e: &Event) {
        if let Some(pos) = e.mouse_cursor_args() {
        match inp {
            Input::Button(btn) => match btn.state {
                ButtonState::Press => match btn.button {
                    Button::Keyboard(Key::Up) => self.up_d = true,
                    Button::Keyboard(Key::Down) => self.down_d = true,
                    Button::Keyboard(Key::Left) => self.left_d = true,
                    Button::Keyboard(Key::Right) => self.right_d = true,
                    Button::Mouse(MouseButton::Left) => {
                        if let Some(pos) = e.mouse_cursor_args() {
                            let (posx, posy) = (pos[0] as f64, pos[1] as f64);
                            self.piece_being_dragged = self.board_display.is_piece_on_square(posx, posy);

                    _ => (),
                ButtonState::Release => match btn.button {
                    Button::Keyboard(Key::Up) => self.up_d = false,
                    Button::Keyboard(Key::Down) => self.down_d = false,
                    Button::Keyboard(Key::Left) => self.left_d = false,
                    Button::Keyboard(Key::Right) => self.right_d = false,
                    Button::Mouse(MouseButton::Left) => {}
                    _ => (),
            Input:: Move(mot) => match &mot {
                // catch the mouse movement
                Motion::MouseCursor(loc) => {
                    // if self.piece_being_dragged {
                    //     if self.board_display.is_piece_on_square(loc[0], loc[1]) {

                    //     }
                    // }
                _ => (), 
            _ => (),

Apparently, there is no way.

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