Is there a way to convert given identifier to a string in a macro?

I want to use the name of the identifier as a value basically.

macro_rules! prntln{
        println!("$i");//get $i as a value 
//rather than getting the value of $i

fn foo(){
  let ident = "test"
  prntln!(ident); // I want the output to be "ident" instead of "test"

What you're looking for is the stringify!() macro. It just pumps out the string representation of whatever token is passed in.

macro_rules! foo {
    ($i: ident) => {
foo!(bar); // Prints `bar`.

that is really cool. thanks

when i try to check the source of the stringify it says compiler builtin. Just out of curiosity how could one write this by oneself? I mean does rust expose any utility to use for this purpose for instance something like proc macros?

Not in regular macros; you can't do token manipulation on a sub-token level. The only way to do that would be with a proc-macro, but since this is rather universal, it's implemented directly in the compiler.

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Thanks again. stringify just saved me writing a lot of boilerplate for checking a number of optional arguments

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