Is `std::collections::binary_heap` stable (as in `stable_sort`)?

The priority_queue in C++ is not stable, i.e. if two elements a and b are equal, then they may not come out of the heap in their insertion order. More here Stable Priority Queues? – Daniel Lemire's blog.

I need this property. I wrote a few tests, and it looks like that std::collections::binary_heap is stable, but I can't be sure since it could be just a happy accident. docs don't mention the FIFO/stable property.

As mentioned in the blog I linked in the first paragraph, there seems to be a simple solution. I can add count field to my struct and use it in deriving Ord/PartialOrd trait.

Is there a crate you recommend that provides stable binary heaps if std::collections::binary_heap is not guaranteed to be stable?

Heapsort is not stable, so I'd be surprised if BinaryHeap was stable -- it probably can't be, because if it was then we could use it for an efficient in-place stable sort.


This demonstrates that BinaryHeap is definitely not stable:

use std::collections::BinaryHeap;
use std::cmp::{PartialEq,Eq,Ord,PartialOrd,Ordering};

struct S(usize);

impl PartialEq for S {
    fn eq(&self, _:&Self) -> bool { true }

impl Eq for S {}

impl PartialOrd for S {
    fn partial_cmp(&self, _:&Self) -> Option<Ordering> { Some(Ordering::Equal) }

impl Ord for S {
    fn cmp(&self, _:&Self) -> Ordering { Ordering::Equal }

fn main() {
    let mut heap:BinaryHeap<S> = (0..4).map(S).collect();
    let mut heap_order = vec![];
    while let Some(s) = heap.pop() {


[src/] heap_order = [

I don't know of a crate, but it's relatively easy to incorporate this trick into your own FifoHeap type:

use std::collections::BinaryHeap;

pub struct FifoHeap<T> {
    seq: usize,
    heap: BinaryHeap<(T,usize)>

impl<T:Ord> FifoHeap<T> {
    pub fn new()->Self {
        FifoHeap {
            seq: usize::MAX,
            heap: BinaryHeap::new()
    pub fn push(&mut self, val:T) {
        let seq = self.seq.checked_sub(1).unwrap();
        self.seq = seq;
        self.heap.push((val, seq));
    pub fn pop(&mut self)->Option<T> {
        let (val,_) = self.heap.pop()?;

I am doing the following self.heap.pop().map(|x| x.0). Will it be less efficient than the above?

It's just a stylistic choice; they should compile down to the same instructions.

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