I'm trying to create a map which uses tuples of String
as the keys, but use &str
to do the lookups for efficiency, but I can't figure a way to do it:
Playground: Rust Playground
let mut m: BTreeMap<(String,String),String> = BTreeMap::new();
let q = ("foo","bar");
I've tried creating structs with String
elements and '&str' elements and implementing Borrow, but I haven't been able to work that out.
I've got a workaround, which is just to have a map of maps for each String
in the tuple, but is there a better solution?
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Right, your struct needs a concrete tuple that Borrow
can return a reference to, and that tuple needs to borrow &str
s from your own String
s. I haven't tried to work this out, but the rental
crate might be just what you need for those gymnastics.
Another option to consider is something like:
#[derive(PartialOrd, Ord, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Key<'a> {
first: Cow<'a, str>,
second: Cow<'a, str>
fn main() {
let mut map: BTreeMap<Key,String> = BTreeMap::new();
// forcing owned Strings here for illustration purposes
map.insert(Key {first: "foo".to_string().into(), second: "bar".to_string().into()}, "baz".to_string());
let q = Key {first: "foo".into(), second: "bar".into()};
let v = map.get(&q);
Thanks for the replies.
I have definitely run into the problem rental
is trying solve before, so that is helpful to know about.
I had not thought about using Cow
like that, it makes sense since it must implement Ord
Hashsimilarly to how you'd have to for the
rental` version.