When using a mod, you can definetely directly use pub functions defined in the mod, as long as you use the mod.
However, it seems that there's no such a concept of static functions in Rust. Methods of a struct are actually the same, I think. Methods with self, &self etc. are just a special case of other methods. So if you don't distinguish methods in such a way, the compiler won't know which methods you intend to use. For example, suppose we can do that, and we have Struct1 with new() and invoke(&self), Struct2 also with new() and invoke(&self). If we use both struct like this use Struct1::* and use Struct2::*, then when you write new(), which new() you intend to use?
I would only do [quote="ifsheldon, post:4, topic:34352"]
If we use both struct like this use Struct1::* and use Struct2::* , then when you write new() , which new() you intend to use?
I wouldn't do this. I would only do:
use some_mod::MyDSL::*
However, I see how your question shows a problem with importing ::* from structs. Looks like it's best to just put everything in a mod instead.