Intellij incorrect error

The following code compiles fine but Intellij is complaining with Cannot move. Is this a bug in Intellij?

use std::collections::HashMap;

struct Tester {
    tree: HashMap<usize, State>,

struct State {
    count: usize,

fn get_count(tester: Tester) -> usize {

Simpler example

use std::collections::HashMap;

struct Tester {
    tree: HashMap<usize, usize>,

fn get_count(tester: Tester) -> usize {

Did you already try invalidating the caches using File | Invalidate Caches and restarting the editor?

Are you using Rust nightly? I've run into this as well, and it looks like it's recently fixed: copy type report error: Use of moved value · Issue #10427 · intellij-rust/intellij-rust · GitHub.

Yes I did that as well as reinstalling the plugin

Yes great, the nightly build of the plugin solves this problem

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