I'm a member of ACM and their ACM Women in Computing SIG is seeking applications for women who are having a significant influence on computing. I would hope that includes all people who identify as such. It immediately came to mine that as a community we should nominate one or more of the women who are in this community and are making significant contribution to Rust core, libraries, or significant third-party crates. However, I am not connected enough to know who these candidates might be. So, I thought I would start a thread here on the topic.
Here is the note from the committee:
Dear members,
ACM-W (ACM Women in Computing) seeks applicants for the next ACM-W Rising Star Committee Chair. The ACM-W Rising Star Award recognizes a woman whose early-career research has had a significant impact on the computing discipline. Come and help us select a rising star annually, and be part of the organization supporting, celebrating, and advocating for women in computing worldwide.
You can find more information on the call, including responsibilities, on the ACM-W website.
Hi ptdecker, this is fortuitous timing. I'd like to recommend Dr Caroline Morton, she's just co-authored the new Async Rust book, published by O'Reilly alongside Maxwell Flitton: Async Rust [Book]
Let me know if you'd like to be put in touch (I'll also let her know that I've recommended her!).
It's been really interesting to read up on some of the threads on this site about women in the Rust ecosystem, and how few women in the space there currently are. It's certainly something we're really aware of in our hiring process for SurrealDB too. We've just launched a new meetup group 'Women in Rust' which Caroline will be leading, so do send anyone our way who may be interested, they will be London based hybrid events, and online events too, so anyone can get involved. https://www.meetup.com/women-in-rust/
I look forward to connecting! Do reach out on X/Twitter at @LizzieJHolmes if easier.