Improve data state modelling in GUI app


in my app the user has to load/record multiple measurements as prerequisite for further analysis of these measurements. The prerequisites are:

  • one Loopback measurement
  • at least one Measurement

Currently I use this to hold the state:

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
enum MeasurementsState {
    Collecting {
        loopback: Option<MeasurementState<data::Loopback>>,
        measurements: Vec<MeasurementState<data::Measurement>>,
    Analysing {
        loopback: data::Loopback,
        measurements: Vec<data::Measurement>,

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
enum MeasurementState<T> {

But my current implementation of the state transition is very bloated.

There is probably a better way to implement this.

In the meantime I came up with this playground example.

But, it would still be nicer to encode the valid data into the AnalysisState::DataReady state.