Implementation overloading

So this is fine:

    trait MulawExt: Iterator {
        fn mulaw(self) -> Mulaw<Self> where Self: Sized;

    impl<I> MulawExt for I where I: Iterator<Item = u16> {
        fn mulaw(self) -> Mulaw<Self> where Self: Sized {

But then adding this implementation for when Item = u8 errors out.

    impl<I> MulawExt for I where I: Iterator<Item = u8> {
        fn mulaw(self) -> Mulaw<Self> where Self: Sized {

conflicting implementations of trait MulawExt:

Is it possible to overload different implementations of a trait function for specific concrete or primitive types and constrained to an associated type? A trait function foo() for <Item = SomeType> and a trait function foo() for <Item = f64> etc

Yes, something like this should work:

struct Mulaw<T>(T);

trait MulawExt: Iterator {
    fn mulaw(self) -> Mulaw<Self> where Self: Sized;

impl<I> MulawExt for I where I: Iterator, I::Item: MulawHelper {
    fn mulaw(self) -> Mulaw<Self> where Self: Sized {

trait MulawHelper: Sized {
    fn mulaw_helper<I: Iterator<Item = Self>>(iterator: I) -> Mulaw<I>;

impl MulawHelper for u8 {
    fn mulaw_helper<I: Iterator<Item = u8>>(iterator: I) -> Mulaw<I> {
        println!("mulaw_helper for u8");

impl MulawHelper for u16 {
    fn mulaw_helper<I: Iterator<Item = u16>>(iterator: I) -> Mulaw<I> {
        println!("mulaw_helper for u16");

fn main() {
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Thank you. I was hoping I just made a mistake with the syntax, because it would be nice to do C++ esque overloading.

Looks like this was Disjointness based on associated types. by withoutboats · Pull Request #1672 · rust-lang/rfcs · GitHub. It was closed as postponed along with (lots of discussion there).

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