Idiomatic way to implement u8 bit utils

Is there a better way to implement the following: ?

impl BitMapUtil {
    pub fn get(x: &u8, n: usize) -> bool {
        let mask = 1_u8 << n;
        x & mask == mask}

    pub fn set_true(x: &mut u8, n: usize) {
        let mask = 1_u8 << n;
        *x = *x | mask;}

    pub fn set_false(x: &mut u8, n: usize) {
        let mask = 1_u8 << n;
        *x = *x & (!mask);}}

I'd probably make an extension trait and use |= and &=. Furthermore, get doesn't really need to take a reference and it doesn't need the explicit mask, either:

trait BitExt {
    fn get(self, n: usize) -> bool;
    fn set(&mut self, n: usize);
    fn clear(&mut self, n: usize);

impl BitExt for u8 {
    fn get(self, n: usize) -> bool {
        (self >> n) & 1 == 1

    fn set(&mut self, n: usize) {
        *self |= 1 << n;

    fn clear(&mut self, n: usize) {
        *self &= !(1 << n);
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