Idiomatic getters for Copy types?

I have a type like the following:

#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct Wrapper<T: Copy>(T);

If I didn't have the T: Copy bound, I'd probably write getters like:

impl<T> Wrapper<T> {
    fn get(&self) -> &T;
    fn into_inner(self) -> T;

However, since T: Copy, this is redundant - I don't need both. Is there a generally accepted way to provide getters in this situation? Any examples from the standard library or ecosystem, perhaps?

If T is known to be small enough, I'd use get(&self) -> T (e.g. Cell does it).


Sidenote: don't place bounds on generic arguments on types; it usually ends up being unnecessarily restrictive and it doesn't gain much. Constrain impl blocks if necessary instead.


True, although Cell also provides into_inner.

Yeah, I'm oversimplifying a bit. In reality, there are multiple types like this, and they all implement a single trait which has the bound MyTrait<T>: Copy. The question is actually about methods on that trait, not inherent methods.

I don't see why it shouldn't be fn get(self) -> T i.e. with a self argument. std::num::Wrapping is an example of a newtype wrapper that uses self methods.

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Side-sidenote: Unless the type layout needs to store an associated type, which isn’t the case here.


Oh that strikes me as very clean, thanks!

Cell provides this for any type while it provides get(&self) -> T only if T: Copy. You can do a similar thing if you don't restrict the T on the struct definition, as @H2CO3 suggested.

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