I want write a sort algorithm, but it's not good enough

i want to write a sort algo. I think it did work, but when it comes to a big array which has so many number that would make the stack overflow. i had used two recursion, now i have changed one into loop, but i cannot change the other one into loop, could u help me? THX!

pub struct Solution;
impl Solution {
    // this method should be use
    pub fn sort_array(mut nums: Vec<i32>) -> Vec<i32> {
        Self::sort(&mut nums);
    fn sort(v: &mut [i32]) {
        // used in the inner while loop.
        let mut len = v.len();
        let mut pd = v;

        // let mut len2;
        // let mut pd2;

        let mut il;
        let mut ir;
        let mut mark;
        while len > 1 {
            il = 0;
            ir = pd.len() - 1;
            mark = WhoMove::Right;
            while il < ir {
                match pd[il] <= pd[ir] {
                    true => Self::mo(mark, &mut il, &mut ir),
                    false => {
                        let temp = pd[il];
                        pd[il] = pd[ir];
                        pd[ir] = temp;
            // recursion here
            // can it be changed into a loop?
            Self::sort(&mut pd[0..il]);
            pd = &mut pd[il + 1..];
            len = pd.len();
    // move the pointer which should be moved, to make the two index closer.
    fn mo(wm: WhoMove, il: &mut usize, ir: &mut usize) {
        match wm {
            WhoMove::Left => *il += 1,
            WhoMove::Right => *ir -= 1,
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
enum WhoMove {
impl WhoMove {
    // change the moving pointer
    fn turn_over(&mut self) {
        match self {
            WhoMove::Left => *self = WhoMove::Right,
            WhoMove::Right => *self = WhoMove::Left,

why this cannot be used, i think this shuoldn't panic, what's happening?
please tell me! THX!

pub struct Solution;
impl Solution {
    pub fn sort_array(mut nums: Vec<i32>) -> Vec<i32> {
        let r = nums.len() - 1;
        Self::quick_sort(&mut nums, 0, r);
    fn quick_sort(v: &mut [i32], l: usize, r: usize) {
        if l >= r {
        let (mut left, mut right) = (l, r);
        let pivot = v[left];
        while left < right {
            while left < right && v[right] >= pivot {
                right -= 1
            if left < right {
                v[left] = v[right]

            while left < right && v[left] <= pivot {
                left += 1
            if left < right {
                v[right] = v[left]

            if left >= right {
                v[left] = pivot
        Self::quick_sort(v, l, right - 1);
        Self::quick_sort(v, right + 1, r);
fn main() {
    dbg!(Solution::sort_array([5, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0].to_vec()));
    // test_turnover()

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