The most likely suspect here is that you declare mod rs_env, but don't mark it as pub. (Or you don't declare the submodule at all)
Also, please don't post screenshots of VS Code-mangled error messages. Run cargo check in the terminal and post the full error message, inside code blocks like this:
Error message gets pasted here
(Note that screenshots in general are inaccessible to people with screen readers, impossible to copy-paste from, and have to be viewed with whatever viewing settings you, the poster, use. Paste code into code blocks, which I described above except instead of using plain, use rust to get Rust syntax highlighting)
I don't get something error runs commnad cargo check. I used pub defined the mod. and my code runs fine. only vscode editor prompts an error.
the error info is:
failed to resolve: could not find `rs_env` in `utils`
could not find `rs_env` in `utils`rustc[Click for full compiler diagnostic](rust-analyzer-diagnostics-view:/diagnostic message [0]?0#file:///Users/admin/giteeCode/rsup/packages/pkg/src/package/
pub mod rs_env
maybe the files are out of sync. are you using rust-analyzer? in the status bar, there should be a rust-analyzer button or icon, try "reload workspace" or "restart lsp server".
Hmm.. if you give it a different package name (eg the declared name and the dependency key in both Cargo.tomls) does that fix it? I'm thinking it might be that VS Code has this public crate cached somehow...