How to write a macro like #[global_allocator]

The #[global_allocator] macro can define how Box, Vec, String etc. find the static variable with GlobalAlloc trait. I want to define something similar to #[global_allocator] (e.g.: global_object attribute) so that I can find a static variable with such attribute.
It seems I should use attribute macros, but I have no idea how to use it in my case. I failed to find a relevant example in the docs.

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#[global_allocator] is internal compiler magic.

The closest thing you can get in user-space is something like the inventory crate.

If you know that the relevant item will be defined exactly once in the final binary, you can use an extern ABI for this:

mod a {
    extern "C" { static MY_GLOBAL: i32; }
    pub fn f() {
        unsafe { dbg!(MY_GLOBAL); }

mod b {
    #[unsafe(export_name = "MY_GLOBAL")]
    static DEFINED_IN_B: i32 = 42;

fn main() {

Well, it does sound like a fair workaround, but what if I want a global object in generics that implements certain traits? I am asking "how to write a macro like #[global_allocator]" in that such object can be arbitrary generics that implements GlobalAlloc trait.
I tried to declare MY_GLOBAL with &'static dyn XxxTrait type, but the program crashed. The debugger shows that the vtable is null.

This sounds very similar to something I did a while ago. Here's my original comment from wit-bindgen-rust: remove "standalone" mode in the future · Issue #243 · bytecodealliance/wit-bindgen · GitHub

You might find our story interesting.

For some background, we've currently got 20+ implementations for a particular set of WIT files, and not being able to put wit_bindgen_export!() in a shared crate was becoming a real pain (can't share code for trait implementations, can't use ?, no convenience methods, code is super verbose, etc.). Wasmer also haven't updated their fork of wit-bindgen in quite a while so we couldn't use #193 without switching our WebAssembly VM from Wasmer to Wasmtime.

To deal with this, we took inspiration from how Rust's #[global_allocator] works...

First, we call wit_bindgen_rust::export!() in some shared crate.

// support/src/guest/


Then we created a trait which represents our resource and would be implemented downstream.

// support/src/guest/

pub trait ProcBlock {
    fn tensor_constraints(&self) -> TensorConstraints;
    fn run(&self, inputs: Vec<Tensor>) -> Result<Vec<Tensor>, RunError>;

Next comes extern "Rust" definitions for our ProcBlock's constructor and a free function the host uses to find out more about its functionality (name, description, input tensors, etc.).

// support/src/guest/

extern "Rust" {
    fn __proc_block_metadata() -> Metadata;
    fn __proc_block_new(
        args: Vec<Argument>,
    ) -> Result<Box<dyn ProcBlock>, CreateError>;

From there, we can write a shim implementation in our support crate for the ProcBlockV2 trait that wit-bindgen generates.

// support/src/guest/

struct ProcBlockV2;

impl proc_block_v2::ProcBlockV2 for ProcBlockV2 {
    fn metadata() -> Metadata {
        unsafe { __proc_block_metadata() }

    fn create_node(
        args: Vec<Argument>,
    ) -> Result<wit_bindgen_rust::Handle<self::Node>, CreateError> {
        let proc_block = unsafe { __proc_block_new(args)? };

pub struct Node(Box<dyn ProcBlock>);

impl proc_block_v2::Node for Node {
    fn tensor_constraints(&self) -> TensorConstraints {

    fn run(&self, inputs: Vec<Tensor>) -> Result<Vec<Tensor>, RunError> {

And to wrap it all up, we have a macro which end users can use to generate __proc_block_metadata() and friends.

// support/src/guest/

/// Tell the runtime that a WebAssembly module contains a proc-block.
macro_rules! export_proc_block {
    (metadata: $metadata_func:expr, proc_block: $proc_block:ty $(,)?) => {
        pub fn __proc_block_metadata() -> $crate::guest::Metadata { $metadata_func() }

        pub fn __proc_block_new(
            args: Vec<$crate::guest::Argument>,
        ) -> Result<Box<dyn $crate::guest::ProcBlock>, $crate::guest::CreateError> {
            fn assert_impl_proc_block(_: &impl $crate::guest::ProcBlock) {}

            let proc_block = <$proc_block>::try_from(args)?;

            Ok(Box::new(proc_block) as Box<dyn $crate::guest::ProcBlock>)

I really like this approach because, besides the export_proc_block!() macro, it all looks like normal Rust code and you don't need to know about wit-bindgen types (see here for an example). It also solves the awkward super issue where downstream crates need to somehow inject their types and free function implementations into a crate higher up the dependency tree.

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