How to use serde with field attributes

I have a &str:

let serde_str = r#"{"Convert":"Tf", "value":[0,1]}"#;

And I have a type:

#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum NewConvert {
    #[serde(rename(deserialize = r#"Convert::Tf"#))]
    Tf(usize, usize),

How can I deserialize the serde_str to a instance of my type NewConvert:


The serde field attributes #[serde(rename)] doesn't work, what am I doing wrong?

what is that Convert::TF thing? is it a deserializer function? in that case, you probably want #[serde(deserialize_with = "Convert::TF")], the #[serde(rename)] attribute is to rename the fields, but in your code, "Convert::TF" is not a valid field name

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You need to use serde's tag and content attributes to deserialize a JSON like that to an enum:

#[serde(tag = "Convert", content = "value")]
pub enum NewConvert {
    Tf(usize, usize),

This is documented at Enum representations · Serde

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