Hi all,
I'm still writing my first GUI with Gtk+3.
I'm stuck trying to insert elements in a ListStore
and view them on the TreeView
I created a GUI with Glade. My ListStore
has just one column of gchararray
The problem is that when I try to insert strings in it I get only an empty row in the View.
I think this is the important part of the code:
fn main() {
let u = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Universe::new()));
if gtk::init().is_err(){
panic!("Fatal error! Unable to initialize Graphic Interface")
let builder = Builder::new();
let lights_list: ListStore = builder.get_object("light_list").unwrap();
/* Add light dialog */
let tmp_button: ToolButton = builder.get_object("add_light_btn").unwrap();
u, stat, window, lights_list => move |_| {
add_light(&window, stat.clone(), u.clone(), lights_list.clone());
fn add_light(main_window: &ApplicationWindow, status_bar: Statusbar, universe: Rc<RefCell<Universe>>, list: ListStore){
let name: Entry = builder.get_object("light_name").unwrap();
let ok_bttn: Button = builder.get_object("add_light_ok").unwrap();
add_dialog, name, builder, list => move |_| {
let name = Rc::new(...)
add_dialog, status_bar, universe, name, builder, list => move |_| {
//let iter = list.append();
//let v = Value::from(universe.borrow().get_name(l));
//println!("{:?}", v);
//list.set_value(&iter, 0, &v);
let u = universe.borrow();
let name = u.get_name(l).unwrap();
println!("{}", name);
Anyway you can find the full source at main.rs\src - lcs.git -
Can someone help me to understand what am I doing wrong? Thank you!