How to use features::channal::mpsc

in features 0.1

let a :feautures::sync::mpsc::Receiver<test>
a.for_each( move |b| { })

what will be like in feature 0.3

async move{
let a :feautures::sync::mpsc::Receiver<test>
while let b ={

i don't know how to call the mpsc channel can somebody help me ?

You receive on it like this:

use futures::stream::StreamExt;

while let Some(item) = {
    // use item here ...

Note that Tokio also provides a channel, which does not need an import of StreamExt.

// using tokio::sync::mpsc

while let Some(item) = recv.recv().await {
    // use item here ...

current my channel is that how can i change it?

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