How to setup coc-rls and coc-rust-analyzer

Hello! Do you have installed coc.rls (also coc-rust-analyzer) and are you making any use of it ? How have you setup coc.rls ? Please, share. i have installed coc-rls. I have setup cargo, have updated (:CocCommand rls.update) coc-rls latest version u/1.1.4, neovim :checkhealth is all ok, but when try to run .rs file i get this nasty message:

[coc.nvim] Command error: request error nvim_call_function - Vim(let):E15: Invalid expression: 'ps -o state= -o comm= -t '#{pane_tty}'  
 | grep -iqE '^[^TXZ ]+ +(\S+\/)?g?(view|n?vim?x?)(diff)?

I have read thru coc.nvim and asked coc.rls but am not getting any help. Can you help please.'

I have read thru coc.nvim and asked coc.rls but am not getting any help. Can you help please.

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