How to serialize several objects with one function


I would like to serialize Strings, str, structures, Vec, etc. into byte streams and with one function. Is this even possible?


pub struct AS<T> {
    x: T,

pub struct A {
    x: i32,

fn make_bytes<T>(payload: T) // I would like my payload to be Vec or String or structure or  ...
    let bytes = bincode::serialize(&payload).unwrap();
    println!("{:?}", bytes);

In order to overload make_bytes I tried to do the same as in c++ but it did not work. So i guess my first question is is is possible to overload functions and how? And my second question is, if I use generics I get that serialize cannot work with them... Could someone please help and workout a small example for me so I ca study it ?


Since bincode::serialize takes any Serde serializable type, you can implement serde::Serialize for the types you want to serialize (most basic types already implement it,) then you can make the function take a T: Serialize, like so:

use serde::Serialize;

pub struct AS<T> {
    x: T,

fn make_bytes<T: Serialize>(payload: T) {
    let bytes = bincode::serialize(&payload).unwrap();
    println!("{:?}", bytes);

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