How to run two concurrent futures manually

Hi, I'm trying to learn future, I want manually run two future concurrently. but with following code, I got some weird error. here is my code, and playground linke is:

error msg also pasted here. but I already have trait bound in where clause. I know I don't have any runtime in this code, because I want keep the example code as simple as possible. but the idea should work? right? Thanks

54 |             match self.a.poll(cx) {
   |                          ^^^^ method not found in `A`
   = help: items from traits can only be used if the type parameter is bounded by the trait
help: the following trait defines an item `poll`, perhaps you need to restrict type parameter `A` with it:
use std::{                                                                    
    task::{Context, Poll},                                              

fn main() {
    let f1 = async {
    let f2 = async {
    let join = Join2::new(f1, f2);

struct Join2<A, B>                                                                                                                                                      
    A: std::future::Future,                                                                                                                                             
    B: std::future::Future,
    a: A,                                                  
    ar: Option<A::Output>,                                    
    b: B,                                                                  
    br: Option<B::Output>,                                          
impl<A, B> Join2<A, B>                       
    A: std::future::Future,                                     
    B: std::future::Future,                                     
    fn new(a: A, b: B) -> Self {                      
        Join2 {                            
            ar: None,                                               
            br: None,                                                         
impl<A, B> Future for Join2<A, B>   
    A: std::future::Future,                                           
    B: std::future::Future,           
    type Output = (A::Output, B::Output);
    fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
        let mut done = true;
        if {
            // let mut future = unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(&mut self.a) };
            // match Future::poll(future, &mut cx) {
            match self.a.poll(cx) {
                Poll::Ready(val) => {
           = Some(val);
                Poll::Pending => {
                    done = false;
        if {
            // let mut future = unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(&mut self.b) };
            // match Future::poll(future, &mut cx) {
            match self.b.poll(cx) {
                Poll::Ready(val) => {
           = Some(val);
                Poll::Pending => {
                    done = false;

        if done {
        } else {

Disclaimer: I’m a novice when it comes to Pin code, so this might be wrong in some subtle way.

Your commented code is on the right line, but you need to use map_unchecked_mut to get a pinned version of the internal futures, and get_unchecked_mut when you need to change the stored results. I poked at it on the playground until it compiles, but can’t really speak to its correctness.

Thanks! your change works. Just in case you are interested. I put full code to

I copy the executor from this excellent book.

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