How to rewrite this working C++ code in Rust (Qt, GUI, Borrow errors, lifetime errors)

The alpha version looks really nice and promising, but seems it ain't backward compatible.
I think that with that new release it's possible to code what I want though.


#![windows_subsystem = "windows"]

use qt_widgets::{
    cpp_core::{QBox, Ptr},
    qt_core::slot, qt_core::SlotNoArgs,
    QApplication, QLineEdit, QMessageBox, QPushButton, QVBoxLayout, QWidget,

use std::rc::Rc;

use cpp_core::{Ptr, StaticUpcast};
use qt_core::{
    q_init_resource, qs, slot, CheckState, ItemDataRole, QBox, QObject, QPtr,
    QSortFilterProxyModel, SlotNoArgs, QString,
use qt_gui::{QStandardItem, QStandardItemModel, QFont};
use qt_ui_tools::ui_form;
use qt_widgets::{QApplication, QListView, QPushButton, QRadioButton, QWidget, QLabel, QLayoutItem, QVBoxLayout, };
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
use std::rc::Rc;

//Userinterface handling all the possible UserInterface-screens
//Each function is to build a specific userinterface (depending on e.g
//selected option)
struct UserInterface {
  //  layout: Option<QBox<QVBoxLayout>>,
  //  slot: Option<qt_core::slot>,
   // switch_btn: Option<>
impl UserInterface {
    pub fn new() -> Rc<Self> {
        Rc::new(UserInterface {
//            layout: None,
//            slot: None,

    //Build the labels, buttons,... for the startscreen
    pub fn build_start_screen(self: Rc<Self>, window: cpp_core::Ptr<QWidget>) {
        unsafe {
            //Big fat font
            let mut big_font = QFont::new();
            big_font.set_family(&QString::from_std_str("Sans Serif"));

            //Label 'Cat Manager'
            let mut label_a : QBox<QLabel> = QLabel::new();
            label_a.set_text(&QString::from_std_str("Cat Manager"));

            //Label 'Your favourite...'
            let mut label_b : QBox<QLabel> = QLabel::new();
            label_b.set_text(&QString::from_std_str("Your favourite application to manage your best friends!"));

            //Button to go to Option A-screen
            let mut option_a_btn : QBox<QPushButton> = QPushButton::new();
            option_a_btn.set_text(&QString::from_std_str("Go option A"));
            //self.slot = option_a_btn_clicked;

            //Add all the widgets to the layout
            //self.layout = Some(layout);


    //Build labels, options,... for the screen which shows when Option A gets selected
    pub fn build_option_a_screen(&mut self, window: cpp_core::Ptr<QWidget>) {
        unsafe {

            //Label 'Cat Manager'
            let mut label_a : QBox<QLabel> = QLabel::new();
            label_a.set_text(&QString::from_std_str("Option A selected!"));

    pub fn reset(&mut self, window: cpp_core::Ptr<QWidget>) {
        unsafe {
            while window.layout().count() > 0 {
                //Following gives a funny Error:
                //let child : cpp_core::ptr::Ptr<QLayoutItem> = window.layout().take_at(0);
                let child = window.layout().take_at(0);


    //OnClick Function
    unsafe fn option_a_btn_clicked(self: &Rc<Self>, window: cpp_core::Ptr<QWidget>) {

fn main() {
    QApplication::init(|_app| unsafe {
        let mut window : QBox<QWidget> = QWidget::new_0a();
        window.resize_2a(400, 250);

        let mut layout : QBox<QVBoxLayout> = QVBoxLayout::new_1a(&mut window);

        let mut ui : Rc<UserInterface> = UserInterface::new();
        let window_ptr = window.as_raw_ptr();


Tons of errors:

   Compiling Qt-rs2 v0.1.0 (/Users/niel/School/Rust/rust_gui/Qt-rs2)
warning: unused imports: `Ptr`, `StaticUpcast`
  --> src/
21 | use cpp_core::{Ptr, StaticUpcast};
   |                ^^^  ^^^^^^^^^^^^
   = note: `#[warn(unused_imports)]` on by default

warning: unused imports: `CheckState`, `ItemDataRole`, `QObject`, `QPtr`, `QSortFilterProxyModel`, `q_init_resource`, `qs`
  --> src/
23 |     q_init_resource, qs, slot, CheckState, ItemDataRole, QBox, QObject, QPtr,
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  ^^        ^^^^^^^^^^  ^^^^^^^^^^^^        ^^^^^^^  ^^^^
24 |     QSortFilterProxyModel, SlotNoArgs, QString,
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

warning: unused imports: `QStandardItemModel`, `QStandardItem`
  --> src/
26 | use qt_gui::{QStandardItem, QStandardItemModel, QFont};
   |              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

warning: unused import: `qt_ui_tools::ui_form`
  --> src/
27 | use qt_ui_tools::ui_form;
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

warning: unused imports: `QLayoutItem`, `QListView`, `QRadioButton`
  --> src/
28 | use qt_widgets::{QApplication, QListView, QPushButton, QRadioButton, QWidget, QLabel, QLayoutItem, QVBoxLayout, };
   |                                ^^^^^^^^^               ^^^^^^^^^^^^                   ^^^^^^^^^^^

warning: unused import: `std::collections::BTreeSet`
  --> src/
29 | use std::collections::BTreeSet;
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error[E0277]: the trait bound `&(): qt_core::connect::AsReceiver` is not satisfied
  --> src/
74 |             option_a_btn.clicked().connect(&self.option_a_btn_clicked(window));
   |                                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `qt_core::connect::AsReceiver` is not implemented for `&()`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `cpp_core::ptr::Ptr<qt_core::QObject>: cpp_core::convert::CastFrom<cpp_core::ptr::Ptr<UserInterface>>` is not satisfied
      --> src/
114    |     #[slot(SlotNoArgs)]
       |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `cpp_core::convert::CastFrom<cpp_core::ptr::Ptr<UserInterface>>` is not implemented for `cpp_core::ptr::Ptr<qt_core::QObject>`
      ::: /Users/niel/.cargo/registry/src/
249066 |         parent: impl ::cpp_core::CastInto<::cpp_core::Ptr<crate::QObject>>,
       |                      ----------------------------------------------------- required by this bound in `qt_core::SlotNoArgs::new`
       = help: the following implementations were found:
                 <cpp_core::ptr::Ptr<T> as cpp_core::convert::CastFrom<&'a cpp_core::cpp_box::CppBox<U>>>
                 <cpp_core::ptr::Ptr<T> as cpp_core::convert::CastFrom<&'a qt_core::q_box::QBox<U>>>
                 <cpp_core::ptr::Ptr<T> as cpp_core::convert::CastFrom<&'a qt_core::q_ptr::QPtr<U>>>
                 <cpp_core::ptr::Ptr<T> as cpp_core::convert::CastFrom<*const U>>
               and 5 others
       = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `cpp_core::convert::CastInto<cpp_core::ptr::Ptr<qt_core::QObject>>` for `cpp_core::ptr::Ptr<UserInterface>`

error[E0593]: closure is expected to take 0 arguments, but it takes 1 argument
   --> src/
114 |     #[slot(SlotNoArgs)]
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    |     |
    |     expected closure that takes 0 arguments
    |     takes 1 argument

error[E0277]: the trait bound `cpp_core::ptr::Ptr<qt_widgets::QWidget>: cpp_core::convert::CastFrom<&mut qt_core::q_box::QBox<qt_widgets::QWidget>>` is not satisfied
     --> src/
125   |         let mut layout : QBox<QVBoxLayout> = QVBoxLayout::new_1a(&mut window);
      |                                              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `cpp_core::convert::CastFrom<&mut qt_core::q_box::QBox<qt_widgets::QWidget>>` is not implemented for `cpp_core::ptr::Ptr<qt_widgets::QWidget>`
     ::: /Users/niel/.cargo/registry/src/
38163 |         parent: impl ::cpp_core::CastInto<::cpp_core::Ptr<crate::QWidget>>,
      |                      ----------------------------------------------------- required by this bound in `qt_widgets::QVBoxLayout::new_1a`
      = help: the following implementations were found:
                <cpp_core::ptr::Ptr<T> as cpp_core::convert::CastFrom<&'a cpp_core::cpp_box::CppBox<U>>>
                <cpp_core::ptr::Ptr<T> as cpp_core::convert::CastFrom<&'a qt_core::q_box::QBox<U>>>
                <cpp_core::ptr::Ptr<T> as cpp_core::convert::CastFrom<&'a qt_core::q_ptr::QPtr<U>>>
                <cpp_core::ptr::Ptr<T> as cpp_core::convert::CastFrom<*const U>>
              and 5 others
      = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `cpp_core::convert::CastInto<cpp_core::ptr::Ptr<qt_widgets::QWidget>>` for `&mut qt_core::q_box::QBox<qt_widgets::QWidget>`

error[E0308]: mismatched types
   --> src/
129 |         ui.build_start_screen(window_ptr);
    |                               ^^^^^^^^^^ expected struct `cpp_core::ptr::Ptr`, found *-ptr
    = note:   expected struct `cpp_core::ptr::Ptr<qt_widgets::QWidget>`
            found raw pointer `*const qt_widgets::QWidget`

error: aborting due to 5 previous errors

Some errors have detailed explanations: E0277, E0308, E0593.
For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0277`.
error: could not compile `Qt-rs2`.

To learn more, run the command again with --verbose.


name = "Qt-rs2"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Niel"]
edition = "2018"

# See more keys and their definitions at

qt_widgets = "0.5.0-alpha.2"
qt_core = "0.5.0-alpha.2"
cpp_core = "0.5.0-alpha.2"
qt_ui_tools = "0.5.0-alpha.2"
qt_gui = "0.5.0-alpha.2"

Tried fixing those errors but that seems a lost effort/impossible mission.
Next week I'll try to do the same starting from scratch and by basing me more on the example you posted.

But I don't know man... It's really a thousand times more complicated than C++.