The background is I tried Logos to lex, and I need to repeatedly create lexers for newly generated user input, stored as a String. That library interface only accept a &str.
Since newly created Strings are called inside a loop somewhere else, they will go out of scope.
Here's what I attempt:
pub struct Lexer<'input> {
input_str: Rc<str>,
token_stream: SpannedIter<'input, Token>,
pub state: LexerState,
impl<'input> Lexer<'input> {
pub fn new(input: &'input str) -> Self {
let rc_str: Rc<str> = String::from(input).into();
let borrowed: &str = rc_str.clone().borrow();
Self {
state: LexerState::default(),
token_stream: Token::lexer(borrowed).spanned(),
input_str: rc_str,
But this won't work because the clone of Rc will go out of scope.
What am I suppose to do here to fix the lifetime? Thanks a lot!
EDIT: here's the function that keeps update the Lexer:
impl Iterator for Lexer<'_> {
type Item = Spanned<Token, usize, LexicalError>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
loop {
match {
Some((token, span)) => {
self.state.borrow().request_input = true;
break Some(Ok((span.start, token.unwrap(), span.end)));
None => {
let mut state = self.state.borrow();
match (state.request_input, &mut state.reader) {
(true, Some(reader)) => {
match reader.readline(">> ") {
Ok(line) => {
//state.rl_result_holder = line.clone();
self.token_stream =
Err(_) => (), // starts over on error.
_ => break None,