How to organise file structure of my project?

Hi everyone,
I have a question about file structure of rust. I have a JAVA project with following file structure(tree)


Where each class has the following structure

package javaTemplate;

public class ClassA {
	public static int temp = 5;

package javaTemplate;

public class ClassB {
	public void ClassB() {
	public void saySomething() {
		System.out.println("The value of static int in ClassA is: " + ClassA.temp);

package javaTemplate;

public class MainClass {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		ClassB classBobj = new ClassB();

This is working just fine. When I want to try the same thing with similar file structure in rust, it doesn't work. I have tried something like following in playground.

mod class_a{
    pub static TEMP: i32 = 5;

mod class_b{
    mod class_a;
    pub fn say_something(){
        println!("The value of static int in ClassA is:  {}", class_a::TEMP);

fn main() {


This will give me an error as follows.

file not found for module `class_a`
 --> src/
6 |     mod class_a;
  |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  = help: to create the module `class_a`, create file "src/class_b/" or "src/class_b/class_a/"

error[E0425]: cannot find value `TEMP` in module `class_a`
 --> src/

I am aware that if I put mod class_a inside class_b it will work. But then, the file structure will be changed. What am I asking is, is there anyway to make it working ?

Multiple uses of mod … in Rust result in multiple different modules being defined. You might be looking for use … instead.

mod class_a {
    pub static TEMP: i32 = 5;

mod class_b {
    use crate::class_a;

    pub fn say_something() {
        println!("The value of static int in ClassA is: {}", class_a::TEMP);

fn main() {

If you want separate files, then you do

mod class_a;
mod class_b;

fn main() {

pub static TEMP: i32 = 5;

use crate::class_a;

pub fn say_something() {
    println!("The value of static int in ClassA is: {}", class_a::TEMP);

(btw, note that this say_something function is more akin to a static method in Java)

Also, for an immutable value like TEMP above, it might be more idiomatic to use a const instead of a static; and you might want to make the modules public, too, writing pub mod class_a { … } or pub mod class_a;.

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