I have some more problems with binding c++ libs and the Rust ones. Last time @alice (solution) helped me a lot by posting an example which showed me that I really needed to go down to int pointers and length to pass a vector from and to my Rust code. Now I have a more complex problem where I need to construct an object, keep it in my c++ lib and send queries to it which then the object needs to process. To emulate the problem i am posting a small cpp code, src organization and my "attempt" to do it (which does not work since I don't know how to approach in designing a solution )..
extern crate libc;
extern {
fn Obj(list: *const libc::c_int, len: libc::c_int); // obviously not working as it needs API
fn main() {
let vec = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
// Problem starts here ...
unsafe { Obj(vec.as_ptr(), vec.len() as libc::c_int) };
// ONCE constructed and alive I would like to make
// get() queries : obj.get(3) -> returns 4
// WHAT is the proper approach here ?
I am not sure if you are looking at the problem correctly. Rust does not know how to handle C++ objects like that.
For object constructors, destructors, and public methods, there is a completely separate ABI with an implicit this pointer. Your extern block in Rust does not match that. Even worse, Rust cannot understand the C++ ABI used by the compiler, because every C++ compiler uses its own!
Because of this, all of the examples of C++ interop I know about have C wrappers for the actual method calls, construction, and destruction. For example:
// obj.cpp
class Obj { ...}
extern "C" {
Obj *create_object(int* items, int len) {
// ... turn the input args into a vector...
return new Obj(vec);
void free_object(Obj *obj) {
delete obj;
// wrap all the other methods as well...
Those functions can then be called from Rust with an extern block like you had. All of the Obj instances will reside on the C++ heap, and be borrowed by Rust.
I dimly remember a Rust presentation a while ago (I can't find it right now) which talked about how to simplify your C++ class enough so that Rust could actually own an instance of that class safely. It used a more advanced version of the opaque pointer pattern, but as someone who has not touched modern C++, it seemed to me like magic.
Sorry I couldn't be more help. I hope this at least points you in the right direction.
Thank you @jhwgh1968 ! U helped a lot!! I have just a quick follow-up if you could give one more pointer. My rewrite looks like this
// build.rs - stays the same
// src/ffi/obj.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class Obj {
Obj(vector<int> vec);
int get(int x);
vector<int> pvec;
Obj::Obj(vector<int> vec){
pvec = vec;
int Obj::get(int x) {
if (x < (int) pvec.size()){
return (int) pvec[x];
return (int) -1;
extern "C" {
Obj* create_object(int* items, int len) {
vector<int> vec(len);
for (int i = 0; i< len; i++){
vec[i] = items[i];
return new Obj(vec);
void free_object(Obj *obj) {
delete obj;
int get_data (Obj *obj, int x){
return (*obj).get(x);
// main.rs
extern crate libc;
use std::sync::Arc;
extern "C" {
pub fn create_object(items: *const libc::c_int, len: libc::c_int) -> *mut Obj ;
pub fn get_data(obj: *mut Obj, x: libc::c_int)-> libc::c_int;
pub fn delete_object(obj: *mut Obj);
struct MyObj {
raw: *mut Obj,
impl MyObj {
fn new( x: *const libc::c_int, y: libc::c_int) -> MyObj {
unsafe { MyObj { raw: create_object(x,y) } }
impl Drop for MyObj {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
fn main() {
let vec = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
let value = Arc::new(MyObj::new(vec.as_ptr(), vec.len() as libc::c_int));
let another_value = value.clone();
println!("Shared counter: {}", Arc::strong_count(&value));
so i tried to wrap everything nice and tidy but I am getting an error
error[E0412]: cannot find type `Obj` in this scope
--> src/main.rs:5:79
5 | pub fn create_object(items: *const libc::c_int, len: libc::c_int) -> *mut Obj ;
| ^^^ not found in this scope
what am I missing ? (probably something dumb...) Also would this solution work or do you maybe have a better suggestion ?