How to Install Rust on Linux, Error

Hello, how are you? I'll get straight to the point.

I want to install Rust, but something is preventing me from doing so. I have two computers: the first one with Windows made it impossible to download, so I salvaged a second PC and installed Linux on it. The issue is that it won't let me download it either. I run this command:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

And I get this response:

bash: curl: command not found

I usually don't create accounts to join forums, so my energy and mental bandwidth are running low. I would really appreciate a prompt response.

P.S.: I don't know how this forum works, so please don't ban or exclude me, and don't move my post unless it's for something productive.

what linux distribution are you using? you are missing the curl command, which downloads files from the web.

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what do you mean by impossible to download?

on windows, you can download the rustup-init.exe directly using your web browser and run it directly.

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I use the Debian 12 distribution. I had no idea I needed a CURL command, in the RUST book it doesn't explain it, well since I'm there, I just installed it...

You can just use apt install curl then I think.

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Curl is a tool for transferring data. You can think of it as a "downloader" that you run from the terminal. The example provided by the Rust book simply defaults to it as it's very common that Linux distros ship with it pre-installed.

Unfortunately the Rust book is aimed at people with a certain amount of knowledge/background in software development.

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Thank you all so much, I successfully managed to download it. Apparently, the issue was with the pesky CURL.

Lately, I've been having problems with Linux installers, I believe they're called "repositories". Because of that, I was quite stressed about downloading programs. Just out of curiosity, if any of you know of another forum as great as this one, related to Linux, I'd love to hear your recommendations.

Yeah, if you ever need to install a package, you can use apt search and then apt install the package you want. As for forms, use