Hi, I'm trying to port a fairly complex project to Rust, and since I need to heavily interface with existing C/C++ libraries, I'm trying to use a polyglot build system, in this case Meson. I managed to make it compile Rust, and link against one of the C libraries I'm using. Now, I want to use an external crate (for the sake of MWE, let's say rand
). How can I make Meson automatically download and compile the crate and its dependencies, like Cargo does?
I managed to write a rand.wrap
url = https://github.com/rust-random/rand.git
revision = 0.8.5
depth = 1
method = cargo
dependency_names = rand-0.8-rs
and my relevant meson.build
project('meson-test', ['rust', 'c'],
version : '0.1',
default_options : ['warning_level=3'],
meson_version: '>=1.0.0')
c_lib = static_library('utils', 'utils.c')
# build cJSON lib with CMake
cjson = dependency('cJSON')
# generate cJSON Rust bindings
rust = import('rust')
generated = rust.bindgen(
input : 'cJSON/cJSON.h',
output : 'generated-cJSON.rs',
dependencies : cjson,
args : ['--no-rustfmt-bindings'],
rand = dependency('rand')
exe = executable('meson_test',
'main.rs', generated,
link_with: [c_lib],
dependencies: [cjson])
but I get the error
Run-time dependency rand found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)
Looking for a fallback subproject for the dependency rand
WARNING: Subproject rand's revision may be out of date; its wrap file has changed since it was first configured
Executing subproject rand method cargo
meson.build:21: WARNING: Project targets '>=1.0.0' but uses feature introduced in '1.3.0': Cargo subproject.
meson.build:21: WARNING: Cargo subproject is an experimental feature and has no backwards compatibility guarantees.
rand| Generated Meson AST: /home/abertulli/meson-test/build/subprojects/rand/meson.build
rand| Project name: rand
rand| Project version: 0.8.5
rand| Rust compiler for the host machine: rustc -C linker=cc (rustc 1.83.0)
rand| Rust linker for the host machine: rustc -C linker=cc ld.bfd 2.38
rand| Message: Enabled features: ['alloc', 'default', 'getrandom', 'libc', 'rand_chacha', 'std', 'std_rng']
rand| Run-time dependency rand_core-0.6-rs found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)
subprojects/rand/meson.build:77:-1: ERROR: Dependency "rand_core-0.6-rs" not found, tried pkgconfig and cmake
A full log can be found at /home/abertulli/meson-test/build/meson-logs/meson-log.txt
and in case it's useful, the complete log is
Determining dependency 'rand' with pkg-config executable '/usr/bin/pkg-config'
env[PKG_CONFIG]: /usr/bin/pkg-config
Called: `/usr/bin/pkg-config --modversion rand` -> 1
Package rand was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `rand.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'rand' found
CMake binary for host machine is cached.
Preliminary CMake check failed. Aborting.
Run-time dependency rand found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)
Looking for a fallback subproject for the dependency rand
WARNING: Subproject rand's revision may be out of date; its wrap file has changed since it was first configured
Executing subproject rand method cargo
meson.build:21: WARNING: Project targets '>=1.0.0' but uses feature introduced in '1.3.0': Cargo subproject.
meson.build:21: WARNING: Cargo subproject is an experimental feature and has no backwards compatibility guarantees.
Generated Meson AST: /home/abertulli/meson-test/build/subprojects/rand/meson.build
Project name: rand
Project version: 0.8.5
Rust compiler for the host machine: rustc -C linker=cc (rustc 1.83.0)
Rust linker for the host machine: rustc -C linker=cc ld.bfd 2.38
Rust compiler for the build machine: rustc -C linker=cc (rustc 1.83.0)
Rust linker for the build machine: rustc -C linker=cc ld.bfd 2.38
Message: Enabled features: ['alloc', 'default', 'getrandom', 'libc', 'rand_chacha', 'std', 'std_rng']
Determining dependency 'rand_core-0.6-rs' with pkg-config executable '/usr/bin/pkg-config'
env[PKG_CONFIG]: /usr/bin/pkg-config
Called: `/usr/bin/pkg-config --modversion rand_core-0.6-rs` -> 1
Package rand_core-0.6-rs was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `rand_core-0.6-rs.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'rand_core-0.6-rs' found
CMake binary for host machine is cached.
Preliminary CMake check failed. Aborting.
Run-time dependency rand_core-0.6-rs found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)
subprojects/rand/meson.build:77:-1: ERROR: Dependency "rand_core-0.6-rs" not found, tried pkgconfig and cmake
What am doing wrong? Thanks!