Here is the python code, which runs well in python command environment.
from docx import Document
def test():
document = Document('my.docx')
return "ok"
Error occurs when I call the test
fun in Rust code
use pyo3::prelude::*;
fn test_pyo3()->PyResult<()> {
let code = r#"
def test():
document = Document('my.docx')
return "ok"
let mod_code = PyModule::from_code_bound(py, code, "", "")?;
let fun = mod_code.getattr("test")?;
let r = fun.call0()?;
let r: String = r.extract()?;
println!("return = {}",r);
The error is below:
Error: PyErr { type: <class 'NameError'>, value: NameError("name 'Document' is not defined"), traceback: Some(<traceback object at 0x000002A746614AC0>) }
Then, how do we write the code correctly?