I don't know how to work around a type that I don't know how to set. I challenge myself to implement a serialization lib to improve in the language and touch many of its areas.
All the following code has been massively simplified.
I use nightly.
The trait:
pub trait Serialize {
type Input;
type Nominative;
fn serialize_value_nominative(&self, value: &mut Self::Nominative) {
// helps me debug what I didn't implement yet.
the macro for all the primitive type: u8, u16..
I only show u32 here:
macro_rules! primitive_implementation {
($T: ident, $ArchivedT: ident) => {
impl Serialize for $T { // $T a u32 here
type Input = $ArchivedT;
type Nominative = $T;
fn serialize_value_nominative(
value: &mut Self::Nominative,
) {
println!("return {:?} {:?}; (for alignment {})", self, *value, std::mem::align_of_val(self));
*value = *self;
called with:
primitive_implementation!(u32, Archivedu32);
The issue is when I implement tuples (other type have been successfully implemented and the serialization works). But Tuple potentially have different types in them and I have to treat the inner type(s) separately.
let's keep it simple and only take a tuple with 2 elements. It is (u32,u32)
in my test, but it can be anything, really, as long as it is serializable:
pub struct ArchivedTuple2<A, B>
A: Serialize,
B: Serialize
val: (A, B)
impl<A, B> Serialize for (A, B)
A: Serialize + Debug,
B: Serialize + Debug
type Input = ArchivedTuple2<A, B>;
type Nominative = (A, B);
fn serialize_value(&self, value: &mut Self::Input) {
println!("A is {:?}", type_name::<A>());
println!("B is {:?}", type_name::<B>());
println!("Self {:?} {:?}", self.0, self.1);
let u = &mut value.val.0; // it's a u32 here in my test
// Since we are dealing with a (u32,u32) self.0 is a u32.
// So it should calls the u32 implementation above
let u = &mut value.val.1; // it's a u32 here in my test
Ok so now the real issue:
my variable u is of the wrong type.
expected `&mut <A as Serialize>::Nominative`, found `&mut A
So, in that test, I should get a &mut u32. A is just a generic type (could have named it anything), not an existing type.
But in my understanding, &mut A
is in fact &mut u32
in that case, so already &mut <A as Serialize>::Nominative
as well because A is a u32.
I use an associated trait for serialize_value_nominative
function to avoid generics.
But my knowledge to solve this ends here.
How to get that type ?