Hello. Working with rust 1.83, diesel 2.2.5. I have two tables (animal & plan), the first has a foreign key (plan_id) to the second. The tables are modeled with structs. I can do a simple query on the 'animal' table and get back a populated Animal:
fn get_animal(target_id: i32) -> Vec<Animal> {
use crate::schema::animal::dsl::*;
let conn = &mut crate::establish_connection();
let animals = animal
.expect("Error loading animal!");
However, when I look for examples on how to do a left join between the tables, I only see examples which return two objects. I want to get an 'Animal' back with the 'plan' field of 'Animal' populated with the 'name' field of the corresponding 'Plan', Rather than an 'Animal', and a 'Plan'. If I was writing straight SQL, I could do something like this:
select animal.*, plan.name as plan from animal
left join "plan" on plan.id = animal.plan_id
Any pointers? Thanks!