How to find and replace URL in the JS script string?

I want to replace URLs that declare import closures in the JS code.
How to deal?

Ideally you want something like Babel that can transpile JavaScript. In other words, a parser that can produce an AST which can be transformed in various ways and output as new JavaScript.

I don't know of any Babel-like projects written in Rust. In the worst case, you can probably just run Babel through deno. The boa project has some of the fundamental pieces for it. Maybe that's something to look into?

You might be able to use swc, seems like it is a popular Babel alternative written in Rust.

I tried to use swc, but I can't find the import declaration with it.

use swc_common::{
use swc_ecma_parser::{Parser, StringInput, lexer::Lexer, EsSyntax};
use swc_ecma_codegen::{Emitter, text_writer::JsWriter};
use swc_ecma_ast::*;
use swc_ecma_visit::{VisitMut, VisitMutWith};
use dprint_swc_ext::common::StartSourcePos;
use std::sync::Arc;

struct ImportRewriter {
    new_url: String,

impl VisitMut for ImportRewriter {
    fn visit_mut_module_decl(&mut self, n: &mut ModuleDecl) {
        if let ModuleDecl::Import(import_decl) = n {
            // Check if the import source matches a specific pattern
            if import_decl.src.value == "./module.js" {
                // Modify the import source
                import_decl.src = Box::new(Str {
                    span: DUMMY_SP,
                    value: self.new_url.clone().into(),
                    raw: None,

fn main() {
    let raw_js_str = "import { name1, name2 } from './module.js';
    const qs = require('qs');".to_string();
    let new_url = "/new/path/to/module.js".to_string();
    let start = StartSourcePos::START_SOURCE_POS;
    let end = start + raw_js_str.len();

    let string_input = StringInput::new(

    let lexer = Lexer::new(
        swc_ecma_parser::Syntax::Es(EsSyntax { ..Default::default() }),
    let mut parser = Parser::new_from(lexer);

    let mut module = match parser.parse_module() {
        Ok(module) => module,
        Err(err) => panic!("Failed to parse JavaScript code: {:?}", err),

    // Traverse and modify the AST
    module.visit_mut_with(&mut ImportRewriter { new_url });
    println!("{:?}", module);