So, for context: a (government) website publishes information I want to use, but instead of an API they publish it as xml files they compress with zip first (all files are compressed individually, which is why I would like to save them differently on my end).
So now I want to access the content of these files. I don’t understand how the zip crate works, exactly. I have not found a way to give that crate the raw binary zip file to create a ZipArchive.
Code Example:
use zip::read::ZipArchive;
use zip::result::ZipError;
///The bytes-vector is what we get as a result from scraping the website with curl, it is a raw binary
///version of the zip folder which, if we write it to disk, works as a valid Zip Folder we can
///extract (I checked that that works).
fn get_zip_archive_from_zip_bytes(bytes: &Vec<u8>) -> Result<ZipArchive<R>, ZipError> {
//Read is implemented for &[u8] but not for Vec<u8>
let zip_bytes: &[u8] = bytes;
If I try this, it won’t compile and rustc will complain that &[u8]
does not fulfil the Seek trait. It does not provide a hint for what kind of binary input would be appropriate instead.