How to end a borrow?

Hi again,

a question about borrowing. Let's say I have the following:

use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::collections::HashMap;

fn main() {
    let arc = Arc::new(Mutex::new(HashMap::new()));
    let mut c = C { arc: arc };

struct C {
    arc: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<String, i32>>>

impl C {
    fn insert_some(&mut self) {
        let mut map = self.arc.lock().unwrap();
        map.insert(String::from("a"), 1);
        map.insert(String::from("b"), 2);

    fn mutate_further(&mut self) {

Now if I uncomment the call to self.mutate_further() I get a borrowing error, as expected.
However, I expected that if I also put in the drop(map) call, the compiler will figure out that the borrow is ended there. Why isn't that the case?

Borrowing is entirely lexical, currently. Calling drop does not release the borrow. You must use {} for now to create a new scope.

Or, you may want to use the Entry API...

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Thanks, I suspected as much.

I wrote a post Strategies for solving 'cannot move out of' borrowing errors in Rust about this very issue. In a nutshell, you can create a new scope with curly braces, use a anonymous function or create another function.