How to encapsulate an opaque closure type within an enclosing struct

I'm able to express the variance of a LazyCell that's initialized via a capturing closure like so:

use std::cell::LazyCell;

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct ComplexType {
    // ...

impl ComplexType {
    pub fn expensive(self) -> String {
        // ...

impl Default for ComplexType {
    fn default() -> Self {
        // ...

fn main() {
    let foo = ComplexType::default();
    // captures foo with a move, so second type param implements Fn() -> String
    let bar: LazyCell<String, _> = LazyCell::new(move || foo.expensive());
    // do something with the lazily initialized value

I can't figure out the way to express this if I want to encapsulate a bunch of lazily evaluated values though:

use std::cell::LazyCell;

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct ComplexType {
    // ...

impl ComplexType {
    pub fn expensive(self) -> String {
        // ...

impl Default for ComplexType {
    fn default() -> Self {
        // ...

struct LazyInit {
     field1: LazyCell<ComplexType>,
     // ...

fn main() {
    let foo = ComplexType::default();

    // rustc error: closures can't be coerced into fn ptrs if they capture a value
    // I'd have to make `LazyInit` generic over every single `LazyCell` instance that it encapsulates
    let bar: LazyCell<String, _> = LazyCell::new(move || foo.expensive());

    let lazy_values = LazyInit { field1: bar };
    // do something with the lazily initialized value

Is there any other way to express this sort of lazy field initialization without making the containing type generic over every single LazyCell field?

You can type-erase the closures by storing them as Box<dyn FnOnce() -> T>.

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I thought I had tried this, but all I needed to do a trait cast for the boxed type in the call to LazyCell::new

I was able to write this shorthanded like this:

use std::cell;

type LazyCell<T> = cell::LazyCell<T, Box<dyn FnOnce() -> T>>;

struct LazyInit {
    field1: LazyCell<()>,
    // ...