How to counter erroneous criticism of Rust?

In contrast, the Java chart implies nobody will be using it in around 5 years... well a man can dream :yum:

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"Rust is a cult," says the anti-Rust cult. You know it is a cult when some of these people take every interaction as evidence that the other group is bad. It is a large cult, with many members who do not know how to write Rust programs that compile.

It seems that three factors contribute greatly to people joining the anti-Rust cult:

  1. Rust is much harder to learn than more popular languages like Python, JS, or Java. Arrogance is a nice shield for incompetence.
  2. The anti-Rust cult is already large and produces enough content to fuel its members, a vicious cycle.
  3. Dramas around Rust and how it is often portrait as radically positive or negative on the medias.

Please stop promoting the TIOBE Index. Its methodology is totally unscientific. Just look at how "popular" Delphi is on their chart. It is a meme at this point.

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This is the kind of thing we’ve been discouraging.