How to constrain by AsRef<T: Trait>?


struct S<T> {
    s: T

needs to own a value, and a reference wouldn't allow it to own that value.

The problem would then occur later when you want to use the value. A function might require that T: Deref<Target = U>, U: Tr. Then, if T is an Rc<i32>, it works. But if T is an i32, it won't work. And if we make T to be a &'a i32, we introduce another lifetime (and need to store the integer somewhere else).

Yes, that's what I meant with "unwieldy". It's not very nice. I do see Deref as an alternative, but then you need something like deref_owned::Owned if you want to store an owned value directly (or resort to Box or Cow::Owned as workaround).


use std::borrow::Borrow;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::ops::Deref;

trait Tr {
    fn use_tr(&self);
impl Tr for i32 {
    fn use_tr(&self) {
        println!("I'm integer {}.", self);

struct S<T, U> {
    s: T,
    phantom: PhantomData<fn(&T) -> &U>,

impl<T, U> S<T, U> {
   fn new(s: T) -> Self {
        Self {
           phantom: PhantomData,

impl<T, U> S<T, U>
    T: Borrow<U>,
    U: Tr,
   fn foo(&self) {

struct SWithDeref<T> {
    s: T,

impl<T> SWithDeref<T> {
   fn new(s: T) -> Self {
        Self {

impl<T, U> SWithDeref<T>
    T: Deref<Target = U>,
    U: Tr,
   fn foo(&self) {

fn main() {
    let a = S::new(45i32);;
    let b = S::<_, i32>::new(std::rc::Rc::new(49i32));;
    //let c = SWithDeref::new(45i32); // fails
    let c = SWithDeref::new(std::borrow::Cow::Owned::<i32>(99i32));;
    let d = SWithDeref::new(std::rc::Rc::new(101i32));;


Agreed, and I did it in the above Playground.

Alternatively you could use:

-    let c = SWithDeref::new(std::borrow::Cow::Owned::<i32>(99i32));
+    let c = SWithDeref::new(Box::new(99i32));

But that's an extra heap allocation.

Or you use another more simple "deref owned" wrapper, which has no type parameter.