How to compare logs from coc.nvim and nvim-lspconfig?

I'm trying to understand what feels like a bug in a LSP plugin in neovim because the same behavior isn't present in coc.nvim. How do I inspect rust-analyzer logs between coc.nvim and nvim-lspconfig?

Various kinds of features like going to the definition of a function, getting auto-completion results, or displaying documentation from an external crate or from the standard library do not work when I use nvim-lspconfig. All of these work with coc.nvim plus the rust-analyzer coc.nvim plugin, coc-rust-analyzer.

Good question! I think this would works best if the client (neovim) is tasked with capturing and displaying the LSP dialog. In VS Code, this is achieved by setting a "rust-analyzer.trace.server": "verbose" config value and opening a specific pane:

This question indicates that this is either not implemented or not discoverable in neovim (not that it is discoverable in code ...). I owe a cookie to the person who fixes it :slight_smile:

I personally consider this a rather high-priority thing, as debugging why a specific thing doesn't work is very annoying otherwise. I've opened to try to improve the state of the art here.

All that being said, logging lsp requests on the server side is possible by setting RA_LOG env var to lsp_server=debug. The log go to stderr by default. --log-file argument redirects the logs to file. Docs:


While I did not figure out how to see the logs for this, my issue went away when I reinstalled rust-analyzer from source so I moved on :laughing:

Thanks for filing the issue!

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